Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Waterloov Gutter Guard vs Micron Filter Screens

In the last post we looked at video of an expensive fin with trough gutter cover that failed miserably.

In this post we'll look inside gutters that have been covered with Waterloov on my house after I had a new roof installed thirteen years ago. They are under a dogwood tree that canopies the gutter dumping a lot of blossoms in the spring and loads of leaves in the fall. This section of gutter is located above a flat roof so it's a perfect location to access, test and video.

I usually have to go onto the roof twice a year blow off all the debris that accumulates on the roof. Strangely though I only need to brush the louvers on the Waterloov gutter guards about once every two or three years. I brushed them in this video up close to show how the brush works. Then I removed approximately five feet of Waterloov at the downspout to inspect the condition of the gutter inside--no debris accumulation found.

I then installed a micron mesh gutter guard that swears on their website that the product never never never fails. We'll see.

We'll revisit this section of gutter periodically over the next several years to see how the micron mesh guard is doing.

In the next post we'll look at what happens to screens.

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